Mono running on the EV3

A colleague of mine did an amazing job of getting Mono to run on the EV3. More info will follow. Watch the video here

Posted in Mono

Guide for establishing a WiFi connection for EV3 added

If you need to know how to connect to the EV3 over a WiFi connection I have uploaded a guide. See it here

Posted in Guide, WiFi

MonoBrick now supports WiFi connection for the EV3 brick

The upcoming release for the EV3 brick now supports WiFi connection. Establishing a WiFi connection with the EV3 brick was much more cumbersome than expected so I decided to write a small guide on what I did to make it

Posted in EV3, MonoBrick, Release, WiFi

EV3 support is coming for MonoBrick

I finally got my hands on a EV3 set. It is so cool… The process of getting MonoBrick to support the new brick has begun. This weekend I got a working USB and Bluetooth connection for Mac OS. On Android

Posted in EV3, Mac Os, MonoBrick, Release

MonoBrick Remote is now available for Android

The MonoBrick remote for android uses a Bluetooth connection and let’s you control the direction and speed of a vehicle by placing your finger on a circle. While driving you can make the phone “read” sensor values aloud. Furthermore the

Posted in Android, MonoBrick, MonoBrick Remote, Release

MonoBrick Tunnel installer for Mac OS added

A Mac OS DMG installer has been added for the MonoBrick Tunnel can now be downloaded here

Posted in Mac Os, MonoBrick Tunnel, Release

MonoBrick C# library and MonoBrick remote 1.4 has been released

A new version of MonoBrick is now available. The remote now has a mailbox page that allows you to send and receive messages from the NXT’s mailbox. Messages can be send as either string or HEX values. From the remote you can

Posted in MonoBrick, MonoBrick Remote, MonoBrick Tunnel, Release

Documentation for the MonoBrick library has been added

Doxygen pages for the MonoBrick library has been added… It can be downloaded here.

Posted in MonoBrick, Release

Hotfix for MonoBrick Remote 1.3

A lot of windows users are having trouble running the MonoBrick remote… The bug should be fixed with the latest release 1.3.1.  Please let me know if any of you experience similar problems Anders

Posted in MonoBrick Remote, Release

New version of the MonoBrick Remote

A new version of the MonoBrick Remote is now available. The new version can be downloaded here. Features for the new version includes. USB support for Mac Os NXT 2.0 color sensor Bug fix for dialog windows being behind parrent

Posted in Mac Os, MonoBrick Remote, Release

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