Reply To: Does any activity reset the sleep timer?

HomeForumsMonoBrick Communication LibraryDoes any activity reset the sleep timer?Reply To: Does any activity reset the sleep timer?

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Anders Søborg

Hi Mike

We’ve made great progress with our PC app to manage competitions between up to 4 bots at once

Great news – I would be great to see a screenshot

One issue which has cropped up is the bricks going to sleep. Do any of the commands sent via Bluetooth to EV3 bricks and/or NXT bricks reset the internal brick sleep timer?

If I remember correctly the NXT does not allow you to set the timeout. There is a function to see what its value is. The function is called
keep alive

The EV3 works the same way – and I also think there is a function to see the value – but it has not been implemented.


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