Lcd extensions

HomeForumsMonoBrick EV3 FirmwareLcd extensions

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  • #4761
    Author Image
    Vlad Ruzov

    Looking through the new version of firmware I have created the extensions for LCD class for drawing line on the EV3 screen.
    The sources & short example can be found here:

    Author Image
    Anders Søborg


    This has been committed to the master branch. Nice of you to contribute. Next time you make a nice code make a pull request 🙂


    Author Image
    Vlad Ruzov

    I am glad to do my small contribution to this nice project.
    I will try to implement (port from the NXtpandedLib) new extensions (DrawCircle, DrawCircleFilled, DrawEllipse etc.) for complete MonoC# HW benchmark test but not sure that be in time at this weekend.

    Author Image
    Vlad Ruzov

    I have done new extensions for Lcd:
    DrawCircle, DrawCircleFilled, DrawEllipse, DrawEllipseFilled, DrawRectangle
    and make some improvements that allow to draw a figure even if its part is finding out of LCD.

    The changes to the demo have been also added for show new features.

    New commit was pushed to the same github repository:

    It will be good if You look into code and build the demo before I create pull request.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by Author ImageVlad Ruzov.
    Author Image
    Vlad Ruzov

    Hi Anders,
    I have create pull request for merge Lcd extensions and LcdDrawExample to the monoev3 master branch.

    Author Image
    Anders Søborg


    I will merge and test this when I get the time. Looks good though… Thanks a million..


    Author Image
    Helmut Wunder

    nice to see that the spirit of my ideas, my visions, and my challenging benchmark test leads the Mono team to new frontiers, growth, prosperity, and customer success.


    For further enhancements, don’t hezitate to contact me –
    heading for new shores !!


    Author Image
    Anders Søborg

    Hi Vlad

    Have a look at this commit thanks a lot for the contribution – I will test it before merging it to the release branch.


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