Reply To: benchmark test: HaWe brickbench – for C# / Mono?

HomeForumsMonoBrick EV3 Firmwarebenchmark test: HaWe brickbench – for C# / Mono?Reply To: benchmark test: HaWe brickbench – for C# / Mono?

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Helmut Wunder

do I understand correctly:
AOT is precompiled,
and instead it would be like JIT for leJOS ?

so if it was precompiled – there shoudn’t be any remarkable runtime differences – correct ?

FTM, this would be the benchmarks from best to worst case (either if AOT or JIT, and by either run:

no. new min/max (old min/max)
0     1 -  16   (  1 -  15)
1    25 -  67   ( 26 -  35)
2   227 - 245   (155^ -212^) // renewed
3    12 -  18   ( 13 -  19)
4    40 -  98   ( 35 - 229 )
5   150 - 176   (179 - 299)
6   219 - 333   (268 - 395)
7   158 - 302   (185 - 475)

would you say this is correct ?
(tbh, a printed list would be a little more clearly arranged for evalutaion than just photos 😎 )

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