Reply To: Webserver

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Jacek S

Hi Again,

Most of the time it takes 134 ms but every 5-10 sec I have the situation from the screen shoot.
This is all:

    public class JoyPos
        public float X { get; set; }
        public float Y { get; set; }

    public class TruckInfo
        public int Speed { get; set; }
        public float WheelPos { get; set; }

    public class TruckModule : NancyModule

        //Motor motor = new Motor(MotorPort.OutA);

        public TruckModule() : base("/truck")
            Get["/info"] = x => Response.AsJson(Info);

            Post["/joypos"] = x => 
                return "";

        public TruckInfo Info
            get { return new TruckInfo() {Speed = 10}; }

On HttpListener I have latency ~50ms (I seen max 120ms) and the startup time about 5sec


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