Reply To: Webserver

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Jacek S


The starting time is the next thing that I don’t like.
Yes I’m sure, I did many tests yesterday. My test program is configured to send ajax posts with 250ms breaks (when the position of joystick is changed). This means that Nancy on the brick have problem with handling 4 requests per second.

handler code:

            Post["/joypos"] = x => 
                JoyPos pos = this.Bind();
                LcdConsole.WriteLine("X:{0} Y:{1}",pos.X,pos.Y);
                var speed = (sbyte) (pos.Y > 100 ? 100 : pos.Y < -100 ? 100 : pos.Y);
                if (speed == 0) 
                return Response.AsJson(pos);

poster code:

var timer = $.timer(function () {
    if (Math.abs(x - lastx) > 5 || Math.abs(y - lasty) > 5) {
        lastx = x;
        lasty = y;
        $.post("/truck/joypos", { X: x, Y: y});
timer.set({ time: 250, autostart: true });
  • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by Author ImageJacek S.
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