Reply To: Mindsensors' GlideWheel sensor (and possibly other sensors from MS) doesn't work

HomeForumsMonoBrick EV3 FirmwareMindsensors' GlideWheel sensor (and possibly other sensors from MS) doesn't workReply To: Mindsensors' GlideWheel sensor (and possibly other sensors from MS) doesn't work

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Andreas Boerzel

Hi Anders,
thank you for your tip and I would like to try this, but I can’t find a corresponding method for

if (!writeI2C(link, MSANG_I2CRequest, MSANG_I2CReply, 4))
return -1;  

in the UnixDevice class. I don’t have much unix knowledge, is there a corresponding method for ‘writeI2C’ in the Libc library available?


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