Reply To: How to use AbsoluteIMU-ACG sensor?

HomeForumsMonoBrick EV3 FirmwareHow to use AbsoluteIMU-ACG sensor?Reply To: How to use AbsoluteIMU-ACG sensor?

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Could you please try the following code?

using System;
using MonoBrickFirmware.Sensors;

namespace MonoBrickHelloWorld
	public class MindsensorsAbsoluteIMU : I2CSensor
		public MindsensorsAbsoluteIMU (SensorPort Port) : base (Port, (byte)0x22, I2CMode.LowSpeed)
			base.Initialise ();

		public void ChangeAccelerometerSensitivity (string Sensitivity)
			byte[] BytesToWrite = {(byte)0};
			if (Sensitivity == "2G" || Sensitivity == "2g") BytesToWrite[0] = (byte) 0x31;
			else if (Sensitivity == "4G" || Sensitivity == "4g") BytesToWrite[0] = (byte) 0x32;
			else if (Sensitivity == "8G" || Sensitivity == "8g") BytesToWrite[0] = (byte) 0x33;
			else if (Sensitivity == "16G" || Sensitivity == "16g") BytesToWrite[0] = (byte) 0x34;
			else throw new ArgumentException();
			base.WriteRegister((byte)0x22, BytesToWrite);

		public byte[] ReadX ()
			return(base.ReadRegister ((byte)0x42, 8));

		public byte[] ReadY ()
			return(base.ReadRegister ((byte)0x43, 8));

		public byte[] ReadZ ()
			return(base.ReadRegister ((byte)0x44, 8));

		public override string ReadAsString()
			return("X: " + Convert.ToString(base.ReadRegister(0x42)) + " Y: " + Convert.ToString(base.ReadRegister(0x43)) + " Z: " + Convert.ToString(base.ReadRegister(0x44)));

		public override void SelectNextMode()

		public override void SelectPreviousMode()

		public override string GetSensorName()
			return (Convert.ToString (base.ReadRegister ((byte)0x10, (byte)0x07)));

		public override int NumberOfModes()
			return 1;

		public override string SelectedMode()
			return ("Mode 1");

using System;
using MonoBrickFirmware;
using MonoBrickFirmware.Display;
using MonoBrickFirmware.UserInput;
using System.Threading;
using MonoBrickFirmware.Sensors;

namespace MonoBrickHelloWorld
	class MainClass
		public static void Main (string[] args)
			EventWaitHandle stopped = new ManualResetEvent (false);
			MindsensorsAbsoluteIMU NewSensor = new MindsensorsAbsoluteIMU (SensorPort.In1);
			ButtonEvents buts = new ButtonEvents ();

			buts.EscapePressed += () => { 
				stopped.Set ();

			buts.EnterPressed += () => {

			LcdConsole.WriteLine ("Hello World");
			stopped.WaitOne ();

(Why can’t we attach .cs files?)

  • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Author ImageTcm0.
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