Reply To: How to use AbsoluteIMU-ACG sensor?

HomeForumsMonoBrick EV3 FirmwareHow to use AbsoluteIMU-ACG sensor?Reply To: How to use AbsoluteIMU-ACG sensor?

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Andreas Boerzel

Thank you very much for your answer, I think it’s the right way. I tried to implement my own sensor-class, see code below. But my test program reads only invalid and constant values.

Does anyone know what’s wrong with my sensor implementation?


 public class AbsoluteIMU_ACGSensor : I2CSensor
        private const byte ADDRESS = 0x22;

        private enum I2CRegisters : byte
            Command = 0x41, 
            XGyroDataLSB = 0x53, 
            XGyroDataMSB = 0x54,
            YGyroDataLSB = 0x55,
            YGyroDataMSB = 0x56,
            ZGyroDataLSB = 0x57,
            ZGyroDataMSB = 0x58

        private static int MLBToInteger(byte lsb, byte msb)
            return (int)lsb + ((int)msb << 8);

        public AbsoluteIMU_ACGSensor(SensorPort port)
            : base(port, ADDRESS, I2CMode.LowSpeed)

        public GyroData ReadGyro()
            byte[] result = ReadRegister((byte)I2CRegisters.XGyroDataLSB, 6);
            LcdConsole.WriteLine("{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}", result[0], result[1], result[2], result[3], result[4], result[5]);
            return new GyroData(result);

        public class GyroData
            public GyroData(byte[] rawData)
                X = MLBToInteger(rawData[0], rawData[1]);
                Y = MLBToInteger(rawData[2], rawData[3]);
                Z = MLBToInteger(rawData[4], rawData[5]);

            public int X { get; private set; }
            public int Y { get; private set; }
            public int Z { get; private set; }


 class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var buts = new ButtonEvents();


            var gyroSensor = new AbsoluteIMU_ACGSensor(SensorPort.In2);

            bool end = false;

            buts.EscapePressed += () =>
                end = true;

            while (!end)
               // LcdConsole.Clear();
                var result = gyroSensor.ReadGyro();
                LcdConsole.WriteLine("GX: {0}", result.X);
                LcdConsole.WriteLine("GY: {0}", result.Y);
                LcdConsole.WriteLine("GZ: {0}", result.Z);

The AbsoluteIMU-User-Guide describes the I2C-registers.

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