Home→Forums→MonoBrick EV3 Firmware→benchmark test: HaWe brickbench – for C# / Mono?→Reply To: benchmark test: HaWe brickbench – for C# / Mono?
August 18, 2014 at 18:53

Helmut Wunder
the code distributed with RC 4.10 which you have linked to is probably the 3.62 NXT version – is this correct?
// hw brickbench
// benchmark test for NXT
// PL: ROBOTC 3.62 for NXT
The EV3 version should be for the 4.10 EV3 version instead.
Is there a 2nd benchmark file additionally?
The EV3 version is supposed to have a firmware-based shellsort or quicksort routine which might be up to 100x faster.