Reply To: benchmark test: HaWe brickbench – for C# / Mono?

HomeForumsMonoBrick EV3 Firmwarebenchmark test: HaWe brickbench – for C# / Mono?Reply To: benchmark test: HaWe brickbench – for C# / Mono?

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Vlad Ruzov


I have made some memory tests under C#.
Memavail() is not available in .Net platform but there are many other memory functions.
Unfortunately most of them does not working in Mono/C#.
At the end I decided simply try to allocate as many memory as possible.
As a result, I found that the maximum memory szie available for code and data is 42 megabytes.
The source code of the test program can be found here:

Regarding other points for Mono/C#:
12 – 17 : communication function are not implemented at present,
18: 64 bit.float – YES
19: >=4D arrays – YES
20: Recursions – YES
21: Multithreading – YES
22: API complete – ??
motors – YES
standard sensors (EV3 and NXT) – YES
some of HiTec sensors too (
text screen – YES, graphic – whie NOT.
23: IDE – YES. Super powerful Xamarin Studio including debugger with breakpoints.

So, as I can see at Mono/C# firmware sources the graphic functions will be implemented in the next firmware release and then I will try to make graphics test.

Regarding RobotC:
I have used ‘benchmak EV3.c’ from the standard RobotC installation (v.4.10) (
I will see into new 4.25 robotc release soon…


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