Reply To: benchmark test: HaWe brickbench – for C# / Mono?

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Helmut Wunder

thank you very much, I gladly take the Mono C# results up into my table.

Please notice that according to Copyright restrictions it is not allowed to publish your own tables:

© Helmut Wunder 2013,2014.
HaWe brickbench test Comparison tables/speadsheets and results are copyright protected and may not be freely created, copied and / or distributed. Additions and / or changes in the tables require written permission by the author.
HaWe brickbench test – Vergleichstabellen und Ergebnisse sind urheberrechtlich geschützt und dürfen nicht frei erstellt, kopiert und/oder verbreitet werden. Ergänzungen und/oder Veränderungen der Tabellen bedürfen der schriftlichen Genehmigung durch den Autor.

I also obeserved that you did not include the Copyright rules for the code itself:

// hw brickbench
// benchmark test for NXT/EV3 and similar Micro Controllers
// PL: . . . . . . . . .
// Autor: (C) Helmut Wunder 2013,2014
// Ported to . . . . . by . . . . . .
// freie Verwendung für private Zwecke
// für kommerzielle Zwecke nur nach Genehmigung durch den Autor.
// protected under the friendly Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
// version 1.08

I gladly publish both your C# code and your C# results in my results table, and of course you may link to my results tables in my Thread, but please delete your table which you have refered to in your own link.

Please understand that these precausions unfortunately had to be taken to prevent faulty and/or uncornfirmed data to be disseminated.

Please send me a link with all published and needed files in raw text code format (just blanks, no tabs), compressed in a zip folder. Github is far too confusing, additionally I need to have the access to the files in my own thread.

Last but not least a couple of questions:
– why do you have different “runs” – what does it mean? How have to be interpreted the divergent data ?
– what about the display bench mark? (As you might observe e.g., for RobotC and Java, grafic benchmark partially have a big influence on the overall benchmark)
– also some data are needed for memory specs provided by C#:
runt. code mem.,
variable mem.
BT raw master+slave
RS485/i2c raw master+slv.
BT, +MC I/O rem.protocol
RS485, +MC I/O rem.prot.
USB MC Daisy-Chain
WiFi MC I/O rem.protocol
feat. double=64bit float
feat.>=4D array/matrix oper.
API complete (sensor+motor+screen)?

Thank you very much again for your input!

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