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June 22, 2014 at 10:28

Nevermind, I got it: Klick me.
Here is my wiring diagram (yes, my breadboard is a mess): Klick me.
And now the code.
My Arduino class:
using System;
using MonoBrickFirmware;
using MonoBrickFirmware.Sensors;
namespace EV3Temeplate
class Arduino : I2CSensor
public Arduino(SensorPort Port, byte adress)
: base (Port, adress, I2CMode.LowSpeed)
public byte[] ReadReg(byte Register, byte Length)
return base.ReadRegister(Register, Length);
public void WriteReg(byte Register, byte[] Data)
base.WriteRegister(Register, Data);
public byte[] ReadAndWriteReg(byte Register, byte[] Data, int rxLength)
return base.WriteAndRead(Register, Data, rxLength);
public override string ReadAsString()
throw new NotImplementedException();
My program.cs:
using System;
using System.Threading;
using MonoBrickFirmware;
using MonoBrickFirmware.Display;
using MonoBrickFirmware.Sensors;
using MonoBrickFirmware.UserInput;
namespace EV3Temeplate
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
EventWaitHandle stopped = new ManualResetEvent(false);
byte Adresse = 0x04 << 1;
ButtonEvents buts = new ButtonEvents();
Arduino Arduino1 = new Arduino(SensorPort.In1, Adresse);
byte[] Ergebnis = new byte[1];
LcdConsole.WriteLine("Press Enter to read I2C Port");
LcdConsole.WriteLine("Press Escape to leave program");
buts.EscapePressed += () => {
buts.EnterPressed += () => {
Ergebnis = Arduino1.ReadReg(0x04, 1);
LcdConsole.WriteLine("Result: " + Convert.ToString(Ergebnis[0]));
and the program that runs on the Arduino (sorry, I can’t organize it): Klick me.