Reply To: Touch Sensor example does not compile

HomeForumsMonoBrick EV3 FirmwareTouch Sensor example does not compileReply To: Touch Sensor example does not compile


Yes, I added the monobrick DLL, in fact, I have redownloaded and reincluded it into the project (just in case), the problematic line is exactly the line where the declaration of the sensor is made:
“var touchSensor = new EV3TouchSensor(SensorPort.In1);” y

I have also tried with a NXT Sound Sensor and with the NXT declaration: “svar touchSensor = new NXTTouchSensor(SensorPort.In1);” with the same result, the error (translated from spanish): “type or name space cannot be found, maybe you have missed some “using” declaration o assembler reference” (this is a free translation of the error)

But this program is the original SoundSensor Example, unmodified. Do I have an old dll? I have downloaded from the official link.


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